POLICE Weekly Updates

Alcester Police SNTs.
Based at Alcester Police Station, The Safer Neighbourhood team’s primary roles are around crime prevention, problem solving both long standing or emerging issues of community concern and community engagement. We are supported at Alcester by colleagues from Patrol teams whose role is to respond to incidents and investigate crimes that occur in the area 24/7. The SNT is supervised by Inspector Hembry who leads on Neighbourhood Policing for Stratford District and Sgt Ebbs who also oversees neighbourhood Policing in the Shipston on Stour area. The Alcester SNT currently consists of 2 Police officers and 5 Police Community Support Officers, and our contact details are shown above.
This is our latest combined weekly report (click here to access) and prompt to see if you have any questions, suggestions or concerns for the Alcester Police Safer Neighbourhood Teams. Thank you to those that have contacted the Teams this week. If you would like to be removed from this local email circulation list, please let me know asap. This report will also be sent out on the Warwickshire Connected alert system.
For operational and privacy reasons not all the incidents that occur on the Alcester area are listed in this report, although they are recorded on police systems. Please remember to report any anti-social behaviour, suspicious activity or crimes to us as soon as possible - this can be done via the 101 and 999 telephone numbers or if not an emergency via our online reporting forms that can be
found on our website. If you have any information or cctv footage that may relate to the incidents listed, please contact us.